Scholarship Information

Thunder Cove Breast Cancer Award
Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Science
Cycle: Fall
Value: $2,000
Deadline: October 1
Process: Application
Granted to an undergraduate or graduate student who has an expressed interest in pursuing a project directly related to the care, prevention, and/or cure of breast cancer. The award will be given in support of one or more of the following efforts: 1. to prepare a synthesis of best practices around breast cancer; 2. to conduct and complete a survey or focus group on experience of living with breast cancer; 4. to plan and execute a cancer related research project where the student specifically addresses how the study contributes to the care, cure, and/or prevention of breast cancer; 5. to participate in research that could assist in the care, prevention or cure of breast cancer. Application requirements include all of the following: 1. Identification of a faculty supervisor and a letter of reference from that individual confirming the applicant's interest and intent; 2. A summary of the proposed project to be undertaken in no more than 500 words; 3. An explanation of how this award will contribute to the student's ability to complete the project; 4. A brief synopsis of why the care, prevention and/or cure of breast cancer is important to the candidate.
In February 2006, days after booking her honeymoon, Lesley Thompson was diagnosed with breast cancer. The honeymoon went ahead and the following week she had surgery. This was followed by chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Along with support and love of family and friends, she was extremely fortunate to have a wonderful medical team and the best care throughout her experience. As her chemotherapy treatments were coming to an end, her first wedding anniversary was approaching. She and her husband decided, as a tribute and thank you to all who had helped them through this, that they would hold a fundraiser at the family cottage where Lesley had spent most of the summer recuperating. On August 26, 2006 the 1st Annual Thunder Cove Sunset Fundraiser for Breast Cancer was held. Over 100 people attended the event including many who had shared their wedding day, exactly one year prior. The objective of this annual event is to raise money for the care, prevention, and cure of breast cancer and a portion also goes to the Oncology Unit at Prince County Hospital in Summerside. It is the Thompson's hope that this annual family event will bring more public awareness to the cause and continue to support the efforts of local individuals who are making efforts in the prevention, cure and/or care of those with this disease. By donating a portion of the funds to the oncology unit, it is their hope to provide additional comfort to the patients who use the facility.
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