Scholarship Information

Wayne Cutcliffe Computer Science Co-operative Education Award
School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Cycle: Winter
Value: Minimum of $750
Deadline: February 1
Process: Application
Awarded to a computer science student who has already completed two work terms in the Co-operative Education Program and intends to return as a student to the UPEI Computer Science program in the next academic year. The successful recipient will have a demonstrated commitment to computer science co-operative education and a minimum 75% average in the preceding academic year.
Wayne Cutcliffe has been a part of the fabric of UPEI since 1978. Starting as a sessional instructor in Mathematics, he has educated students at the university for over 32 years. He has held numerous positions during that time such as Associate Professor, Acting Dean of Science and Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Prior to his retirement, he was the Director of Computer Science Co-operative Education. As Director, Wayne represented the Department's interests in co-operative education and was responsible for counselling and supervising students as they progress through the co-op program, promoting co-operative education to students, employers and the community, and partnering with the University co-operative education coordinators to oversee professional development workshops and administrative aspects of the program. He met regularly with students, advising them on course selection, scheduling and evaluating their work term opportunities. Wayne and his wife, Marion, have been longstanding donors to a variety of UPEI campaigns and projects. Their support has made a difference in over thirteen initiatives at the university. Wayne retire in December 2012 with an outstanding record of making a difference in students' lives and supporting the campus that has become his second home. To honour the students who he has had the priviledge of teaching and supervising, Wayne has established this award at UPEI.
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