Scholarship Information

Cletus Murphy Memorial Scholarship in Education
Faculty of Education
Cycle: Summer
Value: Minimum of 1450
Recommended By: Faculty of Education
Process: Recommendation Required
Awarded to a student entering the Bachelor of Education program at UPEI who is registered full-time, was in good academic standing in their undergraduate degree, and has a demonstrated commitment to social justice issues through involvement across the UPEI campus, or another university campus, while completing an undergraduate degree, and/or in the broader community.
Dr. Norma Jean Murphy (deceased August 2018), generous UPEI donor and former student, has endowed this scholarship in her will, recognizing service and leadership to express gratitude for her years at UPEI, her dedication to her profession, and her commitment to lifelong learning. This endowed scholarship is part of her legacy in memory of her parents, Cletus and Edna, whose presence continues to be felt even in their absence. It is hoped that the generous spirit of all three individuals will live on in perpetuity through this scholarship and two others that have been created through Norma Jean's estate.
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