Scholarship Information

Diamond Awards
Any Faculty
Cycle: Winter
Value: 500
Deadline: February 1
Process: Application
Awarded to students to celebrate their personal development and achievement outside the classroom, by recognizing positive contributions to campus life and the external community. The Diamond Awards recognize up to five (5) students each for Sustainability Leadership, Health & Wellness Leadership, Educational Leadership, and Campus Spirit. Applications will be assessed on 1. Originality: Is the student demonstrating a unique initiative, or are they doing something that has been commonly done by others in the past?; 2. Legacy: How long will the student's efforts impact the campus and/or the off-campus community? Will the impact be felt for a day or will others be benefiting from the student's efforts years in the future?; 3. Reach: How many people did the student's efforts impact? Did they have an impact on the lives of few, or did they impact the lives of many?; 4. Leadership: Was the student the individual responsible for establishing an impactful initiative, or was their support passive in nature?.
Scholarships and Awards

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