Scholarship Information

Dr. Sheila Dresen Nursing Awards
Faculty of Nursing
Cycle: Winter
Value: 500
Deadline: February 1
Process: Application
Granted to two undergraduate nursing students in good academic standing, enrolled full-time in their last year of the nursing program, demonstrate financial need in the pursuit of their nursing education, and have been selected by the Faculty of Nursing to participate in an international placement. Preference will be given to students in greatest financial need. Applicants must describe in their personal statement how receiving this award will impact their nursing education and reduce their financial burden.
Dr. Dresen has served in many capacities across North America: Acting Dean of the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan; Dean of the School of Nursing at the University of Prince Edward Island; Dean of the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Windsor in Ontario; Program Director at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Nursing's site at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre; Director of Nursing at Foothills Hospital School of Nursing in Calgary, Alberta; Director of the Bureau of Clinical Services, Division of Corrections, State of Wisconsin; and Director of Nursing at Mendota Mental Health Institute, Madison, Wisconsin. During her lengthy career, Dr. Dresen made important contributions to nursing across this continent both as a clinical educator and historian. UPEI was most fortunate to be included in the group of universities that benefited from her skills and teaching acumen. She has started this award to encourage nursing students to study abroad as part of their UPEI education. It is important to her that each successful student is in full-time study in good academic standing and who, without this support, would be less likely to consider participating in a global experience.
Scholarships and Awards

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