Scholarship Information

Diaspora Award
Any Faculty
Cycle: Fall
Value: $1,000
Deadline: October 1
Process: Application
Granted to a full-time international student of African descent in their third or fourth year of undergraduate study who could benefit from additional funds in pursuing their UPEI education, is in good academic standing, and can demonstrate community involvement on or off campus.
Diaspora: people of common heritage settled far from their ancestral homelands in different parts of the world. During the outbreak of COVID, a group of UPEI alumni who are living in Prince Edward Island and are of African descent became aware of a significant need of support among UPEI international students. The pandemic, coupled with rising exchange rates made the completion of African students' education difficult. A group of UPEI diaspora alumni wanted to help and held fundraisers so that they could support as many of those students as possible. In August 2022, it was decided that a more streamlined method of assistance would be advantageous and these alumni generously established this award at UPEI.
Scholarships and Awards

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