Scholarship Information

The Collicott Charitable Foundation Bailey Award
Atlantic Veterinary College
Cycle: Convocation
Value: 2000
Recommended By: AVC Awards Committee
Process: Recommendation Required
Granted to a student graduating from the DVM program at the Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) who has demonstrated an extraordinary love and compassion for all animals and intends to go into private veterinary practice.
Malcolm Collicott is a retired RCMP officer, and Jen Collicott is a retired teacher. They currently reside in Woodstock, New Brunswick. In 2020, Malcolm and Jean created the Collicott Charitable Foundation Bailey Award as a way of recognizing the importance of new veterinarians having both compassion and knowledge in the treatment of all animals. The creation of this award was influenced by the fact that they had dogs growing up and, during their married life, owned three cocker spaniels. One of them, Mercedes, was actually a patient at the Atlantic Veterinary College. Bailey, who this award is named after, was a rescue dog who came to the Collicotts at the age of ten with many health problems. Malcolm and Jean were fortunate and grateful to have the services of well qualified and compassionate veterinarians as they cared for Bailey who passed away at the age of 17 having seven joyful years of good health with a loving family. The Collicotts were impressed that their vet made a house call on a holiday when it became clear it was time to euthanize Bailey. They appreciated the empathy shown at that time, and wish to reward similar characteristics in a member of the AVC graduating class each year.
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