How do I apply for an EWT?

Students must meet with the Co-op Coordinator and Academic Director to discuss their business idea and plan. Following that meeting students submit their business plan to be shared with a potential mentor(s). The committee will review the business plan and decide whether or not to accept and approve the EWT as a suitable learning experience.  

Are there any prerequisite courses for the EWT?

Like regular work-terms, students must complete their Career Skills workshops prior to the associated work term. In special circumstances, permission may be granted to take the Career Skills modules concurrently with a Co-op work term.

Although not mandatory, EWT students are encouraged to prepare themselves by completing the following courses prior to (or in conjunction with) their EWT:

Business 3710 – Entrepreneurship and New Ventures, and
Business 2650 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.
These courses will help students lay the groundwork for running their own business. Students are also encouraged to participate in further courses related to Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship.

Can I partner with other students to complete the EWT?

Students can partner with other Co-op students to launch a business venture through an EWT; however, each student will be evaluated separately. Each student's personal contribution will be the basis for their final assessment.

When can I enroll in an EWT?

You can participate in an EWT during any of your designated co-op work terms. We recommend you meet with the Co-operative Education Coordinator to discuss your interest in the EWT program.

Can I complete more than one EWT?

Yes. Students may participate in multiple EWTs.

If applying for an additional EWT with the same business, students must establish how they plan to expand, or further develop, the operations of the existing business and how the experience will enhance their entrepreneurial skills.

Students also have the option to complete two EWTs successively, so long as they complete their mandatory Career Skills workshops prior to their successive entrepreneurial work terms.

Can I do an EWT part time?

In special circumstances, students can complete an EWT over the course of two semesters on a part-time basis to complete one Entrepreneurial Work Term.

I already have a business; can I operate it during my EWT?

Yes. Students currently operating an established business would be eligible to complete an EWT, provided that they establish how they plan to expand, or further develop, the operations of the existing business and how the experience will enhance their entrepreneurial skills.

What if I don’t make a profit?

The reality of business is that not all ventures make money. You will be graded on the development of your entrepreneurial skills and your ability to set and reach your business goals.

Where can I get funding for my business?

Many business ideas can be launched with little to no financial investment. Some ventures can be started with personal savings and family support. Keep in mind that businesses with low startup costs are more likely to turn a profit during the work term.

Funding is periodically offered through a variety of sources. Please inquire with the Co-op Office to see if this funding is currently available.

Am I required to have a mentor?

Yes, mentorship is an integral part of the EWT program.

Can I choose my own mentor?

Yes, you may choose your own mentor or the Co-op Program can assist you in identifying an appropriate mentor matching your business area and interests.

How often am I required to meet with my mentor?

You are required to have an initial and final meeting with your mentor. At the first meeting you will set a plan with your mentor regarding how often you will meet and how you will communicate i.e. Skype, e-mail, telephone, and in-person. A copy of the plan is sent to the Co-op Program.

Please contact the Co-op Office for additional information. Dalton Hall, Room 209, (902)-566-0336, co-op@upei.ca.

Co-operative Education

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