Robertson Library

The Robertson Library provides a major research base for the province of Prince Edward Island. 
Constructed in the mid 1970s, the Library is evolving with the rapidly developing information technologies and the changing concept of information. 
The challenge for the Robertson Library is to provide a local collection which is supportive of the university‘s curriculum and to provide access to worldwide research-related resources. 

Visit the Robertson Library website
The main part of the building comprises some 70,000 square feet. During the fall and winter semesters, the Library is open 92 hours per week. 
Research advice is available at the Service Desk 68.5 hours per week and instruction for information literacy is available in a variety of venues through the Library’s Instructional Services.
The Library's holdings in 2019 include over 600,000 books and e-books and tens of thousands of print and electronic serial subscriptions, as well as thousands of audio and video recordings. Many research databases can be searched in the Library, from offices and computer labs on campus, or by authenticated access via the Library’s proxy server. 
Public PCs and Mac computers with full Internet access are available throughout the Library. The Library Catalogue is open to all users on the Internet.
Special features of the Library include a Multimedia/Collaboratory, a Library learning classroom (LINC), Special Collections area, research rooms, and a mixture of seating in the form of study carrels, tables, and group study rooms which can accommodate a total of 740 patrons at one time.
The Library also hosts the Faculty Development Office, the E-Learning Office, the Writing Centre and a satellite assessment space for Student Affairs. 

The history of the Robertson Library was documented in 2000 as part of its anniversary celebrations.

Robertson Library

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