Office of Faculty Relations

The Office of Faculty Relations provides expert advice and support in Collective Agreement Compliance, Administration and Reporting; Faculty Appointments; and Tenure, Promotion and Sabbatical Leaves.

Collective Agreement Compliance, Administration, and Reporting

  • Monitor compliance with the academic collective agreements (FA#1 and FA#2), provide advice and support academic administrators regarding the administration of these agreements
  • Oversee and administer the faculty grievance process and participate in labour related committees and negotiations as required
  • Prepare statistical reporting
  • Arrange, coordinate, and assist with leadership management training, annual workshops and orientation sessions for senior management, the University Review Committee, Deans, Department Chairs, faculty members and administrative staff as it relates to the administration of the collective agreement
  • Maintain seniority lists and administer professional development travel reimbursement allowances

Faculty Appointments

  • Maintain and advise on academic recruitment, selection guidelines and recruitment processes to ensure compliance and accurate documentation for presentation to the Board of Governors
  • Coordinate and administer all aspects of faculty hiring and provide support to search committees to ensure compliance with the collective agreement, employment / immigration requirements and Board of Governors requirements
  • Process and maintain documentation related to immigration status and eligibility to work in Canada
  • Track all faculty related leaves, reduced appointments, or special assignments

Tenure, Promotion, and Sabbatical

  • Coordinate and administer all aspects of tenure, promotion and sabbatical review processes