Certificate in Interpersonal Communications

Overview: The Certificate in Interpersonal Communications gives participants the ability to communicate clearly and professionally with individuals and colleagues, ensure the establishment of positive relationships with people around them, and ensure their customer/client service is exceptional – which leads to more positivity in terms of relationships – and ways to deal effectively and empathetically with challenging people amid demanding situations. Upon completing this Certificate, all participants can be comfortable knowing they are knowledgeable in all tools and strategies to ensure they can maintain favourable communication with others, regardless of the other person or situation.

Designed for: Professionals and employees who deal with customers, clients, and other colleagues daily.

Type of Delivery: Virtual and in-person.

Duration: Three courses for a total of eighteen hours.

Facilitators: Sparrow McGowan, Elizabeth Pederson, Lee Gallant

Cost: $1,149 for the entire certificate; $449 plus HST for each individual course.

More information: 

UPEI Certificate in Interpersonal Communications flyer (.pdf)