UPEI Students Abroad

UPEI students share their amazing experiences studying abroad. Read about their adventures!

a UPEI chemistry student in a lab
Aug 10, 2023 | UPEI Viewbook 2024

Meet Carter, a student in UPEI's Bachelor of Science in Chemistry program. Originally from Stratford, PEI, Carter participated in a Study Abroad trip to Belgium last year.

upei student eric andersen and a suit of armor
Oct 23, 2019 | Students

Eric Andersen started his post-secondary academic career with modest goals. Since his experience studying abroad in Burgos, Spain as part of UPEI’s May-mester program, he’s looking to hit new targets.

German castle
Feb 14, 2018 | Success Story

Cameron Hastie's interest in German culture and history made him want to visit the country. UPEI gave him the opportunity to do that and more through a study-abroad term and a work term with an industry giant.



UPEI student Alexa MacKinley in Malta"Studying abroad for a semester in Malta provided me with valuable experiences and taught me important lessons that will benefit my personal and professional life. By pushing myself out of my comfort zone, I met students from many European countries and was fortunate enough to travel to nine countries while abroad, all while experiencing a new culture and educational system. I would recommend all students to take advantage of this incredible opportunity through UPEI as “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page” (S. Augustinus)."

- Alexa MacKinley in Malta, Biology Major with Minor in Psychology

UPEI student Marc Allard"I studied at Université Saint-Louis in Brussels, Belgium, for a semester. During my time there, I got a firsthand look at how the European Parliament and European Union operate and tours of their buildings in the city. I became friends with other students from Mexico, Korea, Poland and more, who I am still communicating with today! Studying Abroad made me more confident and independent, allowing me to see more of the world and experience unfamiliar cultures in person. My favourite moment was travelling to the city of Dinant and seeing the skyline from the top of the citadel!"

- Marc Allard in Brussels, Business Administration Major
with a Specialization in International Business

UPEI sociology student Brandon Holland"I studied abroad in Japan as a UPEI student. My study abroad experience in Japan was life-changing. It expanded my horizons, fostering a deep appreciation for cultural diversity. Beyond academics, it's about personal growth and adapting to a new societal environment. A favourite experience was exploring the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto with a childhood friend. Witnessing cherry blossoms at Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden was equally remarkable. I encourage other students to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Embrace the moment and explore the resources available through UPEI's international programs office. The experience will shape your future in unexpected and profound ways."

- Brandon Holland in Japan, Sociology Major

student with a kangaroo"Studying abroad changed me as an individual by giving me the chance to experience new people, places and cultures. I now want to travel to Europe, and hopefully other places in the world, and I do not think I would feel confident enough to do that if I did not go on this trip. The study abroad program through UPEI opened up many doors for me, and I am so happy that I made the decision to do it. I have realized that if you put your mind to something you can achieve it, and that is what I did when I decided I wanted to study abroad. I am very grateful for the opportunity to represent UPEI and Canada abroad, and I hope that many other students get the same chance that I did to go study abroad, because they will not regret it!"

- Callie McAulay in Australia, Chemistry Major

students swimming"I went on an exchange while at UPEI to Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. I was a Killam Fellow under Fulbright Canada. Now, I think I know what you're thinking: how could South Carolina ever be a place for cultural exchange? I thought that, too, but I was wrong. At Clemson, all of the exchange students live together, and we all became close. My best friends were from Scotland, Chile, Germany, and South Korea, and it felt like a little UN conference every time we did things together."

- Christian Norton in USA, Biology Major

a monkey in the jungle"I found that being placed in an environment with a completely different culture than what you're used to makes you feel like a complete minority and I believe that is an excellent platform for self-learning and growth."

- Devon Fletcher in Barbados, Business Administration Major

four students by a graffiti mural"My year-long student exchange at Université Saint-Louis in Brussels, Belgium, was nothing short of phenomenal. It was an experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I returned to Canada a more mature, confident, and inspired young woman. I look back on my exchange wondering why I worried so much. I didn't have anything to lose— on the contrary, I had so, so much to gain. My student exchange makes my higher education feel more complete. I am more aware than ever that learning is not confined to the walls of a classroom, and that we have much to learn from the world that lies beyond."

- Elizabeth Campbell in Belgium, Political Science Major

student on the beach"My experience through University of Prince Edward Island Study Abroad and Saint Dunstan's University helped me to gain a richer cultural sophistication, broaden my ideas in my field of study and brought me to a better understanding of myself and my Canadian and American identities. Studying in another country, so different from my own, exposed me to new teaching styles and a different approach to university and campus life. I studied primarily in the faculty of Theology while at the University of Malta and learned more than I ever expected to learn in a short four months of classes. My exposure to such dense and diverse perspectives in branches of Catholicism such as Canon Law, Patristics, Scriptural Studies, Ecumenism, Ecclesiology and more forced me to change my perspective and rethink my then current beliefs."

- Lorelei Kenny in Malta, Philosophy and English Majors