Electron Microscopy

The Electron Microscopy (EM) Laboratory offers transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for diagnostic investigation.

Transmission Electron Microscopy

TEM investigations apply to either positive or negative staining techniques.

Tissue samples that can be used for positive staining techniques include:

a)  tissues from autopsy
b)  biopsies
c)  cell cultures (suspensions or monolayers)
d)  tissue embedded in paraffin blocks
e)  histological slides

Samples that can be used for negative staining techniques include:

a)  body fluids
b)  feces
c)  supernatant from cell cultures
d)  scrapings of body surfaces (skin, etc.)

It is imperative that samples for EM analysis be placed in an appropriate fixative immediately after collection. Frozen samples are not suitable for EM investigation.  Please contact the EM Lab for information on the appropriate EM fixative when submitted aquatic specimens.

Tests Offered

  • Fresh tissue – biopsy or tissue collected from a deceased animal
  • H&E slide – recovery of the specimen from a  Hematoxylin and  Eosin stained slide
  • Paraffin block – recovery of the specimen from a paraffin block. The paraffin block should be accompanied by an H &E slide.
  • Negative staining

For information regarding pricing, sample collection and fixatives, please contact the Electron Microscopy laboratory manager at 902-628-4335.